Can Cats EatBanana?

Scientific Name:Musa


  • Bananas contain potassium and other nutrients that can be beneficial in small amounts.


  • Bananas are high in sugar, calories, and fiber, which can lead to obesity and constipation if consumed in large quantities.
  • Mouldy bananas and banana peels can cause digestive upset and choking hazards.


  • Feed only small portions of banana occasionally.
  • Ensure bananas make up no more than 10% of your cat’s daily food allowance.
  • Avoid mouldy bananas and banana peels.
  • Watch for any allergy symptoms and consult your vet if any issues arise.
Note: even if labeled as safe, any food can potentially cause allergies. When introducing a new food, please feed a small amount and observe your cat for any allergic reactions.

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