Can Cats EatBroccoli?

Scientific Name:Brassica oleracea var. italica


  • Broccoli is a superfood packed with nutrients like antioxidants, which can benefit cats if consumed in moderation.


  • Broccoli should be well cooked and unseasoned.
  • Raw or seasoned broccoli, or broccoli cooked in fat, can cause illness in cats.
  • Overfeeding broccoli can lead to nutritional deficiencies as it might make cats feel too full to eat their regular, nutritionally balanced cat food.


  • Feed your cat plain, cooked broccoli occasionally as a treat, not more than once or twice a week.
  • Ensure that it is unseasoned and not part of any dish containing other potentially harmful ingredients.
Note: even if labeled as safe, any food can potentially cause allergies. When introducing a new food, please feed a small amount and observe your cat for any allergic reactions.